martes, 8 de noviembre de 2016

Food Drive

Me and my friends in the door of the supermarket.
On saturday the 5 of november me and some friends from me school went to help in a food drive for the most necesitated people. We had to go to a big supermarket that there is in our city and in the door of the supermarket we asked people if they could buy some food inside the supermarket for us. So when the go out they could gave it to us so we could give it to the people that can´t afford it.
We gave them some leaflets with the information of the charity we where helping and with a list of products they could buy to help us.
A lot of people help us but there where also lots of people that din`t gave us anything, some of them enter the supermarket running so we din´t ask them, they also said that they din`t  have money and few minutes later they came out of the supermarket with a trolley fill of food.
The charity we where helping is called madre coraje as you can see in the photo, i leave you here the link of their webpage if you want to help them, they do a great labour helping :

We had two stands because there were two doors to enter the supermarket, only me stand collected 4 trolleys of pasta, lentils, rice, etc..., we also collected 15 liters of oil and more less 15 liter of milk so i think we did a good job. I felt preatty god when we finish the food drive and i saw all the food that we collected i think that i am going to do it again.

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